Greetings from the chairman of JSAS

Dear Colleagues, ladies and gentlemen:

I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely salute my dearest colleagues.
We held our 1st congress in 1967, and now the 83rd congress is coming nearer to us.

Modern medicine has enabled the treatment of various obstinate diseases in the last century.
According to it, aging society was advanced and people started to think about Q.O.L.(quality of life).
As a part of it, many people became interested in beauty and it promoted the prosperity of aesthetic surgery.

As I often mention that medical science has been developed from the treatment medicine to preventive medicine, and is going to be welfare medicine.
Therefore, our fiend, aesthetic surgery has be progressed by the synthesis of all the medical and scientific fields, such as experimental medicine, clinical medicine, oriental medicine, DNA medicine, and geno medicine.

I strongly believe that good medicine is considering "what is the best for the patients" and performing the erudite medicine closely followed the medical ethics.

Fumihiko Umezawa, M.D. (Jujin Hospital)